Keith's Town and Country

Keith wrote to share these pics and his story: 
"I recently picked up this sweet little T&C mid 80'2 Thruster. I bought it online so when I saw the pic's I thought I'd found an almost exact replica of a board I owned for a time in 88-89 but I'd been burned before by internet pics, so waited to see……..
When it turned up, WOW it was immaculate with just a tiny ding in the tail, some dirty wax covering its traditional and modest 80'sfluro spray, LOL and a Ben Lexcen/Cheyne Horan inspired rear winged fin. But then it occurred to me with its absence of foot marks and usual wear and tear this poor darling has rarely been used, perhaps never been kissed?
So with today’s cracking morning I had to hit the water and while yes it would make me late for uni, that's what uni students do right. Look at that Sun! Therefore with only a modest swell running while jumping in the car a Fluro Orange board screamed at me from the corner of the garage “today’s my day”, I thought she’s right!
So with a new leggie and quick coating of fresh wax we hit the water. First wave was a nice little right with a steep take off. Then Oops, I slipped, sideways and crashed. I surfaced to find some of the rear deck grip had come off under my foot, 30 year old glue? No matter next wave!
Same again though a slightly bigger barrelling right, take off, set into pocket and again back foot slip. This time the whole deck grips gone, its floating in the line-up and I’m left with a slippery surface and no wax on hand. We’re not giving up though we said, finger nails at the ready I steal some wax from the front foot as best I can and back out we head.
For the next hour + WE get heaps of waves and while were clumsy and slippery, a back hand pig dog approach (for non-surfers crouched down with hand on the rail with back to the wave) sees us score one especially lovely hollow back hand barrel, a delight that now lets me clean this old beauty up and put her in the display rack to live out her days in dignity!
She’s smiling and me too, a nice day!"
- Keith

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