Deus / Boardcollector Surf Swap 2.
April 10th. 104 Parramatta rd Camperdown.
Alby Falzon- Legendary photographer and film maker and creator of Morning of the Earth will be having a stall featuring Morning of the Earth surfboards and associated paraphernalia and collectibles.
Dave Milness- Original vintage photos of Sydney and South Coast from the 60's and 70's.
Graham- Will be coming down from Newcastle with original Bing surfboards freshly shaped in the USA.
Paul- A cornucopia of surf related vintage furniture.
Wayne- A life times collection of vintage surfboards and surf culture from the cenny coast.
Josh- Byron Bay's king of alt surf culture with be doing a stall of new and vintage including a Marty Worthington sprayed Terry Fitz Hot Buttered. www.hookupusurf.com
Teal- Hand shaped Australian made Alia's
Paddy- Vintage surf rags / VMX jerseys / BMX tees.
Jeff- Surf and skate bric a brac. Boards, posters lamps a real gold mine of bargains.
Matt Johnson- The Sea Life. Comtemporay photographic prints of what's happening right now on and around our southern beaches. Hip log sliders to cutting edge arial trickery. www.thesealife.com
Shorty- AAA grade vintage surf collectables. Boards, skateboards, clothes, jerseys, art, accessories. www.vintagesurfandskateemporium.com.au
Seb- Soul Surf connections. Huge selection of vintage boards. www.soulsurf.com.au
Pup- Low rider bikes and parts.
Benny- From Six Ounce Bondi fame.
Jim- Short Straw and Critical Slide Society creator will be doing a stall of art, product and boards. www.criticalslidesociety.blogspot.com/
Gavin- Pacific Palm legendary collector fresh back from Hawaii with a huge haul of goodies.
Grant- Gavin's mate, will be doing a stall of vintage skateboards and parts.
Tony- Vintage surf related fun!
Mitchell- Surf surf surf.
Dave- Coming up from the South coast where he has spent a life time working at G&S surf boards.
Kevin 11 will be manning a Deus Cafe booth giving away a free hand made Canolli to all who enter.
Gold coin entry donations will be going to support Surf Rider Foundation.
Plus Plus-
Stefan's 'WALL OF VINTAGE' stands to showcase the biggest and best collection of reasonably priced vintage fiberglass in the southern hemisphere.

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