1986- Op Pro Huntington Beach

We cant look back at the OP Pro's of the 80's without a nod to the infamous 86 riots.
I have found these anonymous amateur snap shot pics on different photo sharing sites.
I love the 110 cartridge camera look and feel. The washed out colours, poor exposure and terrible cropping.
The riots were a blessing because people have held onto lots of shots from that August Saturday that feature the styles, chaos and tangible tension and excitement of the day.
Check the RX7 , 911, International Scout, Jeep Cherokee, VW Carmen Ghia, frosted eyeshadow, frilly high cut bikinis, Tom Carroll, Tom Curren, Glen Winton, Occy on the podium, Ian Cains, Christian Hossi, sleeveless muscle tees, pink plastic visor, pink shorts, checker board cap and cops running on the beach.






  1. Still remember this my friends brother did year at Theo Lacy
